Science, Technology, Engineering, Math Facts
STEMconnector®, a Diversified Search company, is a consortium of companies, nonprofit associations and professional societies, STEM-related research & policy organizations, government entities, universities and academic institutions concerned with STEM education and the future of human capital in the United States. STEMconnector® is both a resource and a service, designed to link “all things STEM” through a comprehensive website and portfolio of products that connect national, state and local STEM entities.
The STEMconnector® website contains profiles of STEM-related entities and details ‘Who is Doing What’ in STEM education throughout the world.
- 20% of U.S. jobs require significant STEM knowledge and skills
- STEM jobs average salary is$85,570
United States ranks 28th in math literacy & 24th in science literacy
Proportion of underrepresented minorities in science and engineering needs to triple to matchrepresentation in the overall U.S.
Over the next 10 years , the demand for scientists and engineers is expected to increase 4x the rate as other occupations.